The rules of One Lottery
Last updated: 17/12/2024
1. Introduction
1.1 One Lottery (OL) will be operated as a series of subscription-based Lotteries under the Gambling Act 2005, as amended from time to time (the Act)
1.2 These game rules (Rules) apply to all Lotteries promoted on OL and supersede all previous versions. They apply to all Draws which take place on or after 21/12/2024. By purchasing an Entry (or Entries) into any Lottery, you agree to be bound by these Rules.
1.3 Lotteries on OL are promoted by the Promoting Societies and are conducted for the benefit of the Promoting Societies listed on the Website from time to time. If the Promoting Society of a Lottery is a Partner Organisation, Affiliated Causes also promote the Lottery on behalf of the Partner Organisation and receive a share of the Lottery Proceeds. Details of the Promoting Society are found on the relevant Website page for each Lottery.
1.4 Gatherwell Limited (Gatherwell, or we, us, our) is responsible for the administration of OL on behalf of the Promoting Societies. Gatherwell is licensed and regulated as an External Lottery Manager by the Gambling Commission (Account No: 36893).
2. Definitions
The following special definitions will apply in these Rules:
Account: an online account of a Member who has completed registration on OL.
Act: the Gambling Act 2005, as amended from time to time.
Administration Fee: the administration fee applied to Dormant Accounts, as described in clause 12.
Affiliated Cause: a good cause, society, charity or other not-for-profit organisation which has been authorised by a Partner Organisation to promote the Partner Organisation's Lottery.
Customer Funds: funds held to the credit of Members, including:
(i) cleared funds paid by Members to purchase Entries in a Lottery in respect of amounts which have yet to be allocated to a future Draw; and
(ii) Prizes which have yet to be paid to the Winner.
Dormant: has the meaning given to it in clause 12.1.
Draw: the process by which we select Winner(s) from all eligible Entries in the Lotteries are selected; and Draws will be construed accordingly.
Entry: an entry into any Draw of the Lottery; and Entries shall construed accordingly.
External Lottery Manager (ELM): a commercial organisation licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission to make arrangements for the promotion of lotteries on behalf of societies in accordance with the Act.
Game Number: the six-digit number used to identify individual Entries entered into a Draw.
Lottery: a society lottery promoted by a Promoting Society under the OL brand; and Lotteries shall be construed accordingly.
Lottery Proceeds: the net proceeds of any Lottery (less Gatherwell's expenses for operating the Lottery, including administration and cost of Prizes) held by Gatherwell on behalf of Promoting Societies.
Member: an individual who has registered with OL and has paid for one or more Entries into a Lottery. A Member (or prospective Member) is also referred to as you or your in these Rules.
OL: the 'One Lottery' branded umbrella lottery scheme which is administered by Gatherwell and allows a series of subscription-based Lotteries to be promoted by the Promoting Societies.
Partner Organisation: a Promoting Society which appoints Affiliated Causes to promote the Lottery on its behalf, whereby such Affiliated Causes receiving a share of the Lottery Proceeds.
Prize: a cash or non-cash prize awarded to a Winner as a result of holding a winning Entry in a Draw, in accordance with clauses 9 to 11.
Promoting Society: a good cause, society, charity or other not-for-profit organisation which participates in OL and promotes a Lottery; and Promoting Societies shall be construed accordingly.
Rules: these rules, as may be amended from time to time.
Website: the website from which Lotteries are promoted.
Winner: a Member who has won a Prize in any Draw.
Winning Number: the number as explained in clause 9.1.
3. Entry into a Lottery on OL
3.1 Each Lottery on OL is promoted in accordance with the Act. To participate in Lotteries on OL and purchase Entries you must:
(a) be least 18 years of age;
(b) be a resident of Great Britain;
(c) confirm that you will not buy or claim to buy Entries on behalf of any other person; and
(d) not be an ineligible person as set out in clause 3.2 below.
3.2 You are not eligible to purchase Entries if you are:
(a) an employee, officer or director of Gatherwell or any of its group companies; or
(b) an immediate family or household member of any person described in clause 3.2(a).
3.3 If, upon winning a Prize, you are not able to prove (including by providing documentary evidence of your age and residence) that you have met the criteria specified in clause 3.1, your Entries will be cancelled and you will not be entitled to receive that Prize.
3.4 Entries that have been purchased by a Member and entered into a Draw cannot be subsequently refunded and any cancellation rights contained in the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 do not apply.
4. Applying and registering on OL
4.1 You can only enter a Lottery on OL if you complete the application form available on the Website from time to time.
4.2 Registration will require you to provide the following information:
(a) your name and address, so that we can write to you to confirm your Entry details and contact you if you have won a Prize;
(b) confirmation that you are at least 18 years of age, to ensure compliance with the Act; and
(c) the number of Entries in a Lottery that you wish to purchase.
4.3 You will also be asked to provide the following information:
(a) your contact telephone number;
(b) your date of birth;
(c) your mobile phone number;
(d) your e-mail address; and
(e) your payment details.
4.4 The information you provide in your application must be true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. Gatherwell is entitled to take any steps necessary to verify the information you provide to complete your registration. Gatherwell may require you to provide documentary evidence to prove your age and identity, and at its sole discretion, may refuse to accept an application by any individual to become a Member.
4.5 If your application is successful, Gatherwell will register you on OL and will send you confirmation of any Entry (or Entries) you make into a Lottery. The confirmation will specify your Game Number(s), the number of Entries, the first Draw that you will be entered into, the price and the relevant Promoting Society for the Lottery. It will also include your name, address and any other details provided to Gatherwell as part of your registration.
4.6 If you discover any error in your name, address or any other details provided to Gatherwell as part of your registration, when you receive your confirmation, then you must correct this by notifying Gatherwell in writing or by e-mail. Gatherwell will make any required corrections as soon as reasonably possible. Gatherwell shall not be liable for any loss or damage (including loss of the opportunity to enter a Lottery and/or the right to receive a Prize) suffered by you until such correction has been made. Any correction notified to Gatherwell shall only become effective once the correction has been made by Gatherwell.
4.7 When purchasing Entries, you will have the choice of selecting a 6-digit number yourself (e.g. 012345) or allowing a randomly generated number to be allocated to you. No more than five (5) Entries across all Members may have the same Game Number. You may subsequently amend your Game Number, if you wish, at any time and this will be issued to you providing that the maximum number of Entries with that Game Number has not already been reached.
5. Payment
5.1 Payment for Entries may be made by one of the following methods:
(a) Direct Debit;
(b) debit card; or
(c) any other method made available by Gatherwell from time to time.
We do not accept credit cards as a payment method, as this is prohibited by the Gambling Commission. We will not accept any payment where we are aware that the funds have originated from use of a credit card, such as a payment made via a money service business.
5.2 If you opt to pay for Entries by Direct Debit, you will be required to provide your bank or building society details, together with an instruction to such bank or building society to make payments by Direct Debit. You will also receive an Advance Notification Letter as required by the Direct Debit scheme.
5.3 If you opt to pay for Entries by debit card, you will be required to provide your debit card number, expiry date and card security code (CSC).
5.4 In the event that Gatherwell makes any other payment method available, we may require you to provide additional information to process payment as may be required in our sole discretion.
5.5 Your payments for Entries are made directly to Gatherwell, not the Promoting Societies. As such, payments will be referenced as either 'Gatherwell' or 'One Lottery' on your bank statements and transaction information available from your bank or building society.
5.6 The price payable for each Entry shall be published on the Website and may be subject to change from time to time. If the price is changed, we will give you at least one (1) weeks' clear notice before the next Draw is due to take place.
5.7 Your Entries and associated Game Number(s) will not be entered into the Draw unless we receive successful payment for your Entries by 23:59 on the Friday of that week's Draw. If there is a dispute regarding whether Entries have been successfully paid for, then such dispute shall be resolved by reference to details included in official statements from the bank with which the Lottery's bank accounts operate.
5.8 Direct Debit payments will be entered into the first available Draw three (3) business days after the collection has been made from your bank account. You will be notified of your first Draw date by email.
5.9 You may cancel your Entry (or Entries) by notifying Gatherwell in writing, by email or any other methods specified by Gatherwell on the Website from time to time. Upon receipt of this notice, Gatherwell will cancel future Direct Debit payments as soon as reasonably practicable. Any payments made prior to such cancellation taking effect but which have not been used to pay for Entries in previous Draws will be used to pay for your Entries into future Draws, unless you request a refund from us.
5.10 Gatherwell may cancel your Entry (or Entries) in its sole discretion at any time. If we do this, we will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable and refund any amounts which you have paid for Entries that have yet to be included in future Draws. Other than refunding the cost of those Entries, Gatherwell will not be liable for any loss or damage (including loss of the opportunity to enter the Lottery and/or the right to receive a Prize) suffered by you in relation to such cancellation.
6. Segregation of Customer Funds and Lottery Proceeds
6.1 You direct us, and we agree, to hold Customer Funds for the sole and specific purpose of using them: (i) for the purchase of future Entries into Draws; (ii) making payments to you or the Promoting Society on your behalf if you win a Prize; and/or (iii) settling any fees, charges or other amount that you may owe to us through your participation in OL (the Purpose). Gatherwell is required by its licence conditions to ensure that Customer Funds are held in a client deposit account, separate from our business bank account. Gatherwell transfers Customer Funds on a regular basis from our business bank account into a segregated client deposit account. Our bank has confirmed that it will not mix Customer Funds with any other funds, including our own, and that it has no claim on the funds. This protects Members if there is an insolvency event which affects Gatherwell. Therefore, we have assessed that we offer a 'Medium' rated level of protection for Customer Funds as classified by the Gambling Commission.
6.2 We are not a bank and only hold Customer Funds for the Purpose. This means that we are not obliged to pay bank interest to you on any Customer Funds that we hold.
6.3 Gatherwell is also required by its licence conditions to ensure that Lottery Proceeds are legally protected by means of separate bank accounts having trustee status or equivalent legal protection for the Promoting Societies we act for, so that if there is an insolvency event, Lottery Proceeds will be paid to the Promoting Societies. Gatherwell transfers Lottery Proceeds on a regular basis from our business bank account into a client deposit account to ensure that those Lottery Proceeds are kept legally separate from Gatherwell's business assets. We pay Lottery Proceeds to the Promoting Societies (and Affiliated Causes, in the case of a Lottery promoted by a Partner Organisation) on a regular basis.
7. Game Numbers
7.1 Game Numbers can be chosen at the time that you purchase an Entry (or Entries), either by self-selection or by a 'lucky dip' where a random combination from the available pool of numbers will be allocated.
7.2 Game Numbers can be amended at any time, however Game Numbers amended after 23.59 on the Friday prior to a Draw will not become effective until after the next Draw has taken place.
8. Changes to Member details
8.1 Any changes to your personal information provided by you upon registration should be notified to Gatherwell in writing or by e-mail. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your personal information is kept up to date in your account details on the Website. Gatherwell will not be responsible if we are unable to contact you in the event you have won a Prize and your contact details are out of date.
8.2 If you pay by Direct Debit, changes to your bank or building society specified during registration will require the completion of a new Direct Debit Instruction. Please contact our customer support team if you require more information about this.
9. Jackpot Draws
9.1 The weekly jackpot Draw process is based upon the results of the Australian National Lottery Super66 game, as published on the Lottery West website ( The Winning Number for each Draw shall be the six digits (in the same order) of the Australian National Lottery Super66 draw which takes place on the Saturday night of the same week.
9.2 To ensure compliance with the Act, only Entries for which we have received successful payment are eligible for entry into the Draw.
9.3 If the Super66 draw as described in clause 9.1 does not occur or is declared void on a single occasion then the Winning Number shall be determined in the same way but from an alternative lottery game. Details of such an occurrence will be published on the Website.
9.4 If the Draw process in clause 9.1 ceases to occur or is subject to fundamental change which prevents a Winning Number being selected, Gatherwell reserves the right to select an alternative Draw process. The alternative Draw process will be selected on the basis that:
(a) the basic principles of the Draw as described in clause 9.1 will continue; and
(b) the basic principles of how Winners are selected will continue as described in clause 11.
Any such changes will be published on the Website
9.5 Gatherwell and OL are not related in any way to the Australian National Lottery, the National Lottery, Allwyn Entertainment Limited (being the current operator of the National Lottery) or any other organisation involved in the operation of the National Lottery.
9.6 The winning probability for a Six Number Match is 1 in 1,000,000.
10. Local Draws
10.1 The process for Promoting Society local Draws is based upon the random generation of a Winner from the Entries in a Draw for each Lottery. The Winner will be selected at random using the online resource is independently verified for their random number generation using atmospheric noise.
10.2 To ensure compliance with the Act, only Entries for which we have received successful payment are eligible for entry into the Draw.
10.3 If the online resource as described in clause 10.1 is not available on a single occasion then the winning Entry shall be determined in the same way but from an alternative random number generating resource. Details of such an occurrence will be published on the Website.
10.4 If the online resource as described in clause 10.1 ceases to be available or is subject to fundamental change which prevents a winning Entry being selected, Gatherwell reserves the right to select an alternative random number generating process. Such an alternative Draw process will be selected on the basis that:
(a) the basic principles of the Draw as described in clause 10.1 will continue; and
(b) the basic principles of how Winners are selected will continue as described in clause 11.
Any such changes will be published on the Lottery website.
10.5 Gatherwell and OL are not related in any way to
10.6 Lotteries promoted by a Partner Organisation and supported by Affiliated Causes do not offer local Draws.
11. Prizes
11.1 Winners will be determined by whether a Member's Game Number relating to an Entry in a Lottery matches the Winning Number as described in clauses 9 and 10, provided that the Member must comply with these Rules. If all six digits of the Game Number match the Winning Number, this is a jackpot winning '6 Number Match'.
11.2 Prizes are issued as follows:
(a) Jackpot Prize: For a '6 Number Match' the Prize will be £25,000.
(b) Local Draw Prizes: A single winning Entry per Draw as determined in clause 10 will pay out at 30% of the value of the total number of valid Entries entered in the Draw for the relevant Promoting Society as determined at the time of the Draw.
11.3 Gatherwell reserves the right to amend the Prize structure at any time. Any such changes will be published on the Website at least one (1) month prior to a change being made.
11.4 Each Entry shall only be entitled to win one Prize in one Draw. The Prize awarded will be the highest value Prize available to be won by the Game Number associated with each Entry. For example, if a Winner is awarded the jackpot Prize, they will not be awarded any other Prizes available to be won in that Draw.
11.5 The results of each Draw (including Winners) will be published on the Website within one (1) week of the date of the Draw and may also be published in any other manner determined by Gatherwell from time to time.
11.6 Winners will be notified by email within two weeks of the date of the Draw. Such notification will include a link to claim the Prize to the value of the Prize won by the Winner. The Winner will be given the option of donating the value of the Prize to the Promoting Society that they support, or to receive payment equal to the value of the Prize by bank transfer. In the case of the latter, the Winner must provide their bank account number and sort code before payment can be made.
11.7 Gatherwell reserves the right to withhold the payment of any Prize money until we are entirely satisfied that the Winner has fully complied with the Rules, including by providing proof of age and/or residence, where we deem it appropriate.
11.8 If a Winner is unable to provide evidence to prove that they have met the criteria specified in clause 3.1, the Winner will not be entitled to receive any Prize.
11.9 There are no alternatives to the Prizes offered from time to time.
11.10 No bank interest is payable to Winners in relation to any Prizes which have been won but remain unclaimed.
12. Dormant Accounts and unclaimed Prizes
12.1 We will treat your Account as Dormant if you have: (i) not had any paid Entries entered into Draws; and (ii) have not logged in to your Account, for a consecutive period of at least 365 days.
12.2 If, at the time that your Account becomes Dormant, you have yet to claim any Prizes due to you, we will notify you using the email address provided to us during your registration (or as later updated by you) in an attempt to pay any unclaimed Prizes due to you. You will be required to provide your bank details to receive payment of any unclaimed Prizes.
12.3 If, within 30 days of us contacting you under clause 12.2, your Account remains Dormant and you have not provided us with your bank details to which Prizes should be paid, we will deduct a monthly Administration Fee of £2 (two pounds) from the value of any unclaimed Prizes and/or any other credit balance related to your Account.
12.4 The Administration Fee will continue to be deducted from the value of any unclaimed Prizes and/or other credit balance related to your Account until the earlier of: (i) the value of the unclaimed Prizes and/or other credit balance reaches zero; (ii) you contact us to provide your bank details and we pay out the remaining value of the Prizes to you in full; (iii) you log in to your Account and/or purchase an Entry (or Entries).
12.5 If you log in to your Account and/or purchase an Entry (or Entries), your Account will be 'reactivated' and no longer be considered Dormant. This means that the Administration Fee will no longer be charged. Your Account may become Dormant again in the future if it meets the criteria set out in clause 12.1 above.
13. Suspension of the Lottery
13.1 Gatherwell may, in our sole discretion, suspend Lotteries promoted on OL for any period of time. During any such suspension period, Gatherwell will:
(a) suspend Direct Debit payments from your bank or building society account as soon as reasonably practicable; and
(b) retain any amounts which were paid prior to such suspension taking effect that have not been used to pay for Entries into Draws that have already taken place. These amounts will be applied to future Draws when Lotteries on OL resume.
13.2 You will be notified of further details regarding the resumption of Lotteries or otherwise as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of suspension in writing.
14. Liability
14.1 Neither Gatherwell nor any of the Promoting Societies (or their Affiliated Causes, in the case of a Lottery promoted by a Partner Organisation) shall be liable to you for any loss or damage you suffer arising from:
(a) any delays or failures in the postal service or other delivery methods used by Gatherwell or you from time to time;
(b) any delays or failures in any systems used by Gatherwell or you to transmit e-mails;
(c) any failure in any software or other systems used by Gatherwell for the administration of OL and the Lotteries;
(d) any delays of failures in the banking system used by Gatherwell or you;
(e) any refusal by Gatherwell to accept registration of an individual as a Member or the cancellation of a Member's Account and/or Entries by Gatherwell;
(f) any failure to include your Entry (or Entries) into a Draw;
(g) any event which is not reasonable foreseeable by Gatherwell, the Promoting Societies and/or the Partner Organisations (including their Affiliated Causes); and
(h) any event which is outside the reasonable control of Gatherwell, the Promoting Societies and/or the Partner Organisations (including their Affiliated Causes).
14.2 Neither Gatherwell nor any of the Promoting Societies and/or Partner Organisations (including their Affiliated Causes) shall be liable to you in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise for any indirect or consequential loss suffered by you in relation to your participation in any Lottery (including loss of the opportunity to enter a Lottery and/or the chance of winning a Prize).
14.3 Nothing in these Rules excludes or limits Gatherwell's or any of the Promoting Societies' liability for:
(a) death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
(b) fraud; or
(c) any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.
14.4 Nothing in these Rules affects your legal rights as a consumer.
15.1 Any complaints relating to OL and/or any Lottery should be sent in writing to Gatherwell, giving full details of the complaint and supporting documentation.
15.2 All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with our Complaints Procedure.
16. Data protection
Gatherwell handles your personal data in order to administer OL and the Lotteries. For more information about how we collect, store and use your personal data, please see the Privacy Policy available on our Website.
17. Governing law and jurisdiction
17.1 These Rules, your use of OL and participation in any Lottery, and any matter arising in connection with the same, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
17.2 You irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to consider and settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with: (i) your use of OL; (ii) your participation in any Lottery; and (iii) these Rules, including their subject matter or formation. However, if you are resident in Scotland, you may opt to bring your dispute or claim in the Scottish courts.
18. Changes to these Rules
18.1 The Rules may be amended by Gatherwell from time to time by publishing an updated version of the Rules on this website.
18.2 In case of any material changes to these Rules, we will notify you by email with reasonable advance notice before the amended Rules become effective.
19. Contact Address
All correspondence should be sent to the following address:
One Lottery
Gatherwell Ltd
Lytchett House, 13 Freeland Park
Wareham Road
BH16 6FA